Zapraszamy serdecznie na szkolenie Palo Alto Networks Firewall Essentials v11.0, które odbędzie się w dniach 25-29 marca 2024 roku. Koszt udziału w szkoleniu wynosi 5.499 zł netto i przeprowadzane jest w formie zdalnej.

Podczas szkolenia zapoznasz się z najważniejszymi zagadnieniami z zakresu ochrony sieci i zarządzania zaporami sieciowymi Palo Alto Networks. Jako jedyni na rynku oferujemy dostęp do środowiska Laboratoryjnego (wszystkie ćwiczenia) przez 60 dni po zakończeniu szkolenia.

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  • Rozdział 1, Understanding the Core Technologies, introduces PAN-OS functions and explains the core next-generation firewall features.
  • Rozdział 2, Setting Up a New Device, provides everything that’s needed to get a fresh device or VM up and running.
  • Rozdział 3, Building Strong Policies, explains how to create and optimize rules to their maximum potential.
  • Rozdział 4, Taking Control of Sessions, demonstrates how shaping and redirecting sessions over alternate links can optimize bandwidth usage. It also covers how to apply decryption to inspect encrypted sessions.
  • Rozdział 5, Services and Operational Modes, demonstrates how shaping and redirecting sessions over alternate links can optimize bandwidth usage. It also covers how to apply decryption to inspect encrypted sessions.
  • Rozdział 6, Identifying Users and Controlling Access, explains how to leverage User-ID to control user access regardless of their IP address and physical location.
  • Rozdział 7, Managing Firewalls through Panorama, demonstrates setting up the Panorama central management system, building shared policies, and system configuration.
  • Rozdział 8, Upgrading Firewalls and Panorama, provides a straightforward and complete proces to upgrade any system.
  • Rozdział 9, Logging and Reporting, demonstrates how to configure log collectors and log forwarding, and explains how to customize and schedule reports.
  • Rozdział 10, Virtual Private Networks, shows how to set up site-to-site IPsec tunnels and SSL or IPsec user VPNs, and how to enable a clientless VPN.
  • Rozdział 11, Advanced Protection, covers the creation of custom signatures for App-ID and custom threats, as well as how to configure DDoS and zone protection.
  • Rozdział 12, Troubleshooting Common Session Issues, guides you through basic troubleshooting steps and session details.
  • Rozdział 13, A Deep Dive into Troubleshooting, explains advanced troubleshooting techniques, leveraging flow analysis and global counters.
  • Rozdział 14, Cloud-Based Firewall Deployment, explains how to deploy firewalls in Azure cloud environment, and the unique considerations when setting them to protect resources.


Zespół NetProf


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